Do you know about - To Lose Weight & Burn Fat - Shakes or Whole Foods?
Cla And Weight Loss! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.After many years of spending hundreds, and even thousands, of dollars, after getting sick on them, and after seeing no kind of results in the form of weight loss / fat burn from them, many have ultimately realized that they are Worthless.
What I said. It is not outcome that the actual about Cla And Weight Loss. You read this article for facts about a person wish to know is Cla And Weight Loss.How is To Lose Weight & Burn Fat - Shakes or Whole Foods?
Yet, many are still confused if the supplements that are sold as "Meal Replacements", "Weight Gainers", "natural supplements", and "amino acids" have some good use in substituting for some whole foods to help speed up their goals to lose weight and burn off body fat.
Surely you see them in just about every other page in every-single bodybuilding / fitness magazine. Everybody at the gym uses them.
Go to any grocery store and they have them there too. Yes, even you have probably used them and / or are using them right now.........
Shakes and supplements.
Many distinct "meal replacement" powders and shakes, also known as Rtd's, are sold as being a substitute for a real, whole food meal.
The makers claim that they are "just as good, if not better, than eating a real meal", which will, supposedly, speed up the weight loss process.
They claim to have higher amounts of protein, lower amounts of sugar / carbs, and add in ingredients such as Bcaa's, Glutamine, Creatine, Hmb, Cla, so on and so forth.
They claim that in order to lose weight / burn fat you need a high whole of this and that, and that you can't get those from just eating the right foods. .....
That's what the makers claim.
First off, no supplement that is out on the market right now will do the work in burning body fat or losing weight as hyped in the ads.
Not "metabolism boosters", calorie burners, carb / starch blockers, fat blockers, etc.
If you are skeptical, perform a test on yourself:
For one month, don't convert anyone about your training disposition or diet habits.
Measure your arms, your chest, and your waist with a measuring tape and fat calipers.
Take one supplement, and only one. Use it for that month.
Then take your measurements again.
I certify you that your measurements will recap that your arms or chest didn't get any more toned, and that you're body fat levels will not have dropped beyond what you usually would have burned, regardless of what the weight scale says.
So, when a meal change shake or powder advertises that it is better than eating whole food because it contains all of these extra "fat burning / weight loss / metabolism boosting" compounds, don't be fooled.
Even if it easily contains those ingredients, they don't work as hyped up anyway!
Second, meal replacements claim to have a inescapable whole of protein grams, carb grams, and fat grams.
Well, lately there have been several determination done on many favorite supplements, and it has been discovered that many of them do not contain the whole of ingredients as printed on the label!!
Just a while back a narrative was written that a favorite "protein bar", that claims to taste like Snickers, contained up to 7% less whole of protein than the label claims.
And it contained much more sugar than stated.
Many of these makers "skim" on the ingredients to bring the cost down of making those supplements, while lying on the nutrition labels, just to make a bigger profit!
Third, the price.
A meal change powder can cost you up to .00 Per Packet, while it would probably cost you .00 or less if you were to eat the same whole of calories from real food.
I don't know about you, but I rather keep my money in my pocket.
Fourth, and probably the most important out of all, is that powders and shakes contain many ingredients that are down-right harmful to your internal body.
In order to make these "meal replacements" into powders and to be able to be stored for long periods of time (for shipping and sitting on the store shelves), many chemicals and preservatives must be added.
What do you think happens when you are constantly putting into your body foreign chemicals and preservatives, substances that are not from nature.
Your body does not handle well those types of unnatural substances.
Instead of making you losing weight or stubborn body fat, all you will get is a bloated stomach, diarrhea, and maybe even fatter, since your body doesn't dispell it well.
How many times have you drunk a protein shake and 30 minutes later you start to get "gas"?
That's your body's way of telling you that it cannot handle that shake.
Also, "meal replacements" don't contain vital nutrients that are a "must-have" if you want to grow a salutary physique, such as vitamins, minerals, anti-oxidants, enzymes, etc.
These powders don't have any of those things.
Don't believe me, read the nutrition labels.
On the contrary, whole foods are natural, they contain all of the vital nutrients that your body requires to get big and strong, they are much less in price, and they won't cause you to go running to the nearest toilet.
Without a doubt, if you want to lose weight / burn body fat, forget about those disgusting-tasting meal change powders and shakes, and eat real whole foods, just like our ancestors did back before the supplement manufactures came along with all of their lies.
Copyright 2006 Jonathan Perez
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