Do you know about - The Fasting Process
Quick Weight Loss! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.Fasting is the process of abstaining for food and or drink for a duration of time. The reasons that habitancy fast vary from religious reasons to personal conviction and can be separate for every individual.
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We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Quick Weight Loss.There are three types of fasting; dry fasting, juice fasting and modified fasting. When one partakes in dry fasting it is the most serious type of fasting in which no food, drink, or water is consumed during the duration of the fast. Most habitancy are able to last ten days while dry fasting at the maximum before suffering complications. Juice fasting allows the individual to consume water, as well as pure fruit juices that include no artificial ingredients, or refined sugars. Juice fasts are most popular for weight loss, and are only growing in popularity as the benefits of fasting are realized. Modified fasting includes very few ingredients that are consumed such as steamed vegetables, water, and natural juices as well as herbal teas.
Since glucose is the main source of power for the body, when the body becomes deprived of glucose there is a loss in power levels within the body. The blood sugar levels drop within the body, and therefore the body looks to the liver to produce the much needed glycogen, which is converted to glucose within the blood and than used to generate energy.
Ten to twelve hours after the last food or drink has been consumed the body enters a state called autolysis, in which the body begins to seek fuel from within. The cells targeted for the energy, and fuel sources are fat cells (one of the main reasons that fasting has become so popular, as a way to lose weight quickly). Many toxins are stored within the fat cells of the body and when the fat cells are used for energy.
The metabolic rate is than decreased, because there is slight food intake in the body. The heart rate is slowed to accommodate the lack of food, and the blood pressure in the body is decreased. It is during this time that those fasting may begin to feel fatigued.
Days into the fast, the toxins will begin to excrete themselves from the body. This may occur through the skin, urine, sweat and bowel movements. The body is entering the process of using fat for its power source, and the toxins stored within the fat cells are becoming released. This means the fast is successful, and the body is returning to its natural and pure state.
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